Dr. K. Sathya Babu

Dr. Korra Sathya Babu,

Associate Professor,

Department of Computer Science and Engineering,

IIITDM Kurnool.

Education Qualifications:

·      Ph.D., Computer Science & Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India

Thesis Title:” Utility-based Privacy Preserving Data Publishing”

·      M. Tech., Computer Science & Engineering National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India

Thesis Title:” Detection of Malicious Transactions in Database Management System”

·      B.Tech., Computer Science & Engineering M V G R College of Engineering, Vizianagaram, India

Areas of Interest/Specialization:

·      Natural Language Processing

·      Aerosol Pollution

·      Time-series Prediction

·      Recommender Systems

·      Privacy Issues in Location-based Systems.

·      Sentiment Analysis.

·      Emotion Analysis.

·      Big Data Issues. 

Publication Profiles:

·    Google Scholar Link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=gjuytMoAAAAJ

·    Vidwan Id230278

 ·   Scopus Id35092723900

·    ORCID Id0000-0002-5963-5735

·    Researcher Id: R-2218-2017

Research Thesis Guided:

·    Krishna Rani Samal: [17-07-2022]

Thesis Title:”Exploring Deep Learning Techniques for Data-driven Air Quality Modeling Forecasting Pollution”. Role: Supervisor

·    Anchal Ahalawat : [09-06-2022]

 Thesis Title: ”Detection and Mitigation of DDoS Attack in Software Denned Networks (SDN) using Statistical Approach”. Role: Supervisor

 ·   Nikunja Bihari Kar: [04-07-2020]

 Thesis Title:” A Study and Analysis of Facial Expression Recognition Systems”. Role: Supervisor

·    Santosh Kumar Bharti: [04-04-2019]

 Thesis Title:” Sarcasm Detection from Text: A supervised Approach”. Role: Supervisor

·    Pramit Majumdhar: [24-09-2018]

 Thesis Title:” Human Mobility Analysis in Location-based Social Networks”. Role: Co-supervisor

·    Banee Bandana Das: [Synopsis Completed: 31-08-2021]

 Thesis Title:” Biometric System for Person Identification: Exploring Unimodal and Multimodal Techniques”. Role: Supervisor


Current Research Scholars:

·      V Ramanjaneyulu Yanam: [Date of Joining: 31-07- 2018]: Area: Recommender Systems

·      Jitendra Kumar: [Date of Joining: 07-09-2020]: Area: Recommender Systems

·      Vankayala Tejaswini: [Date of Joining: 10-09-2020]: Area: Emotion Analysis

·      Kaira Nithin Goud: [Date of Joining: 12-11-2020]: Area: Conversational AI  


·    An AI driven Auto-Responder for Live Class Questions: [Rs.6,10,400]: 2020-2022: Sponsorer: Brain&ce Education Solutions Pvt. Ltd, India (Role: Principal Investigator)

·    Automatic Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder from Social Media Text: [Rs.8,51,400]: 2020-2022: Sponsorer: Origin Solutions, India (Role: Principal Investigator)

·    In-House Short Term Training under ICPS Programme of DST: [Rs. 9,00,000]: 2019-2020: Sponsorer: Department of Science and Technology (Role: Principal Investigator)

·    Intelligent Surveillance Data Retriever (ISDR) for Smart City Application: [Rs.3,86,30,400]: 2017-2021: Sponsorer: Imprint India, Department of Science and Technology (Role: Co-Investigator) 

Other Received Grants:

·      Python Programming with industry perspective : [Rs. 88,500] : EICT Academy, New Delhi

·      FDP for Deep Learning and its Applications: [Rs.92,500]: Sponsorer: EICT Academy, New Delhi

·      FDP for Introduction to Programming: [Rs.88,500]: Sponsorer: EICT Academy, Jaipur

Professional Teaching Experience:    

·    Associate Professor: [Sep, 2021 - Till Date], Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing Kurnool, India

·    Assistant Professor Grade-I: [Feb, 2018 - Sep, 2021], Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India

·    Assistant Professor Grade-II: [Jul, 2008 - Jan, 2018], Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, India

·    Assistant Professor: [Jun, 2005 - Jun, 2006], Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Vignan Institute of Information Technology, Visakhapatnam, India

·      Adjunct Professor: [Aug, 2017 - Apr, 2018], School of Electrical Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, India.

Professional Membership:

·      Member of Cryptology Research Society of India (L 285)

·      Member Indian Society for Technical Education (LM 69012)

·      Member Institute of Engineers, India (A-5451990)

·      Member International Association of Computer Science and Information Technology (80333742)

·      Member International Association of Engineers (M 64746)

·      Member of Computer Society of India (I1500973)

·      Member of ACM (8835058)

Conferences and Workshops attended: 

1.    Research Promotion Workshop on Introduction to Graph and Geometric Algorithms, 2010, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Orissa. [Member of Organizing Committee]

2.   Workshop on Cryptology, 2009, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, West Bengal. [Participant]

3.   International Conference on Contemporary Computing, 2009, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology University, New Delhi, India. [Presented Paper as an Author]

4.   The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, December 10 - 12, 2009, Jeju, South Korea. [Presented paper as an Author]

5.   International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communications, July 22 - 24, 2011, Kochi, India. [Presented paper as an Author]

6.   International Conference on Computing, Communication and Control, January 28 - 29, 2011, Mumbai, In- dia. [Presented paper as an Author]

7.   Workshop on Testing of Low Cost Access-cum-Computing Device, June 28-30,2011, Indian Institute of Technology Rajasthan, Jodhpur, Rajasthan. [Participant]

8.  Workshop on Advances in Computer Networks, December l-6,2008, B.D.COE, Wardha, Maharashtra [Speaker]

9.   FDP on Machine Learning for Speech Processing, November 12-17,2018, NIT Warangal. [Participant] 



1. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu and Santos Kumar Das; Multi-output Spatio-temporal Air Pollution Forecasting using Neural Network Approach, Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier), Vol. 126, No. 109316, 2022. (SCIE, IF: 8.263

2. Ramanjaneyulu Y.V, Jitendra Kumar, Korra Sathya Babu, and Bidyut Kumar Patra Enhancing the accuracy of Group Recommendation using Slope One, Journal of Supercomputing (Springer), (In Press 2022) . (SCIE, IF: 2.423

3. Anchal Ahalawat, Korra Sathya Babu, Ashok Kumar Turuk, and Sanjeeb Patel A Low-rate DDoS Detection and Mitigation for SDN using Renyi Entropy with Packet Drop Journal of Information Security and Applications (Elsevier), Vol. 68, No. 103212, 2022. (SCIE, IF: 4.96

4. Nikunja Bihari Kar, Korra Sathya Babu, and Sambit Bakshi Facial expression recognition system based on variational mode decomposition and whale optimized KELM Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier), Vol. 123, No. 104445, 2022. (SCIE, IF: 3.86

5. Krishna Rani Samal, Ankit Kumar Panda, Korra Sathya Babu and Santos Kumar Das Multi-output TCN auto encoder for long-term pollution forecasting for multiple sites Urban Climate (Elsevier), Vol. 39, No. 100943, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 6.663

6. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu and Santos Kumar Das Temporal Convolutional Denoising Auto encoder Network for air pollution prediction with missing values Urban Climate (Elsevier), Vol. 38, No. 100872, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 6.663

7. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu and Santos Kumar Das An Improved Pollution Forecasting Model with Meteorological Impact Using Multiple Imputation and Fine-tuning Approach Sustainable Cities and Society (Else vier), Vol.70, 2021 (SCIE, IF: 10.696

8. Nikunja Bihari Kar,Deepak Ranjan Nayak Korra Sathya Babu, and Yu-Dong Zhang A hybrid feature descriptor with Jayaoptimised least squares SVM for facial expression recognition IET Image Processing (IET Wiley), Vol. 15, No. 7, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 2.373

9. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu and Santos Kumar Das Multi-directional temporal convolution artificial neural network for PM 2.5 forecasting with missing values: A deep learning approach Urban Climate (Elsevier), Vol. 36, No. 1, 2021. (SCIE, IF: 6.663

10. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu and Santos KumarDas Spatio-temporal Prediction of Air Quality using Distance Based Interpolation and Deep Learning Techniques EAI Transactions on Smart Cities, Vol. 5, No. 14, 2021. (Scopus)

11. Pramit Mazumdar, Bidyut Kr. Patra and Korra Sathya Babu Exploring user sentiments for addressing POI cold start recommendations ACM Transactions on the Web (ACM TWEB), Vol. 14, No. 4, 2020. (SCIE, IF: 2.043

12. Santosh Kumar Bharti, Reddy Naidu, and Korra Sathya Babu Hyperbolic Feature-based Sarcasm Detection in Telugu Conversation Sentences. Journal of Intelligent Systems (De Gruyter), Vol. 30, No. 1, pp-73-89, 2020. (ESCI, Scopus

13. Banee Bandana, Pradeep Kumar, Debakanta Kar, Saswat Kumar Ram, Korra Sathya Babu, and Ramesh Kumar Mohapatra. A spatio-temporal model for EEG-based person identification. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), Vol. 78, No. 9, pp-28157-28177, 2019. (SCIE, IF: 2.396

14. Nikunja Bihari Kar, Korra Sathya Babu, Sambit Bakshi, and Arun Kumar Sangaiah. Face Expression Recognition System Based on Ripplet Transform Type II and Least Square SVM. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer), Vol. 78, No. 4, pp-4789-4812, 2019. (SCIE, IF: 2.396

15. Pramit Mazumdar, Bidyut Kr. Patra, Korra Sathya Babu and Russell Lock. Hidden Location Prediction using Check-in Patterns in Location Based Social Networks. Knowledge and Information Systems (Springer), pp-1-31, 2018. (SCIE, IF: 3.205

16. Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu, Ramkrushna Pradhan, and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Sarcastic Sentiment Detection Based on Types of Sarcasm Occurring in Twitter Data. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IGI Global), Vol.13 (4), pp-89-108, 2017. (SCIE, IF: 1.742

17. Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu, and Anima Pradhan . Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Summarization in Multi-document e-Newspapers Articles. European Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, Vol.4 (6), pp-410-427, 2017. 

18. Santosh Kumar Bharti and Korra Sathya Babu. Sarcasm as a Contradiction between a Tweet and its temporal Facts: A Pattern-based Approach, International Journal on Natural Language Computing (AIRCC), Vol.7, No.5, 2018. (CNKI) 

19. Pramit Mazumdar, Bidyut Kr. Patra, Russell Lock and Korra Sathya Babu. An approach to compute user similarity for GPS applications. Knowledge Based Systems (Elsevier), Vol.113, 2016. (SCI, IF: 8.139

20. Santosh Kumar Bharti, Bhaktyar Vachha, Ramkrushna Pradhan, Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Sarcastic sentiment detection in tweets streamed in real time: a big data approach. Special Issue in Advances in Big Data, Digital Communications and Networks (Elsevier), Vol.2, No. 3, pp. 108-121, 2016. (SCIE, IF: 6.348

21. Korra Sathya Babu, Sanjay Kumar Jena, Nitin Reddy, Nitesh Kumar and Mark Elliot. Achieving k-Anonymity Using Improved Greedy Heuristics for Very Large Relational Databases. Transactions on Data Privacy, Vol.6, No. 1, 2013. (ESCI, Scopus

22. Korra Sathya Babu, Bijayinee Moharana and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Anonymizing Social Networks: A Generalization Approach. International Journal of Computers & Electrical Engineering (Elsevier), Vol. 39, No. 7, 2013. (SCIE, IF: 4.152

23. Korra Sathya Babu, Rajesh P. and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Enhancing t-closeness for balancing Utility and Privacy. International Journal of Trust Management and Communication (Inder science), Vol.1, No. 4, 2013. (DBLP)


1. K. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu, and Santosh Kumar Das, Time Series Forecasting of Air Pollution using Deep Neural Network with Multi-output Learning, Proceeding of IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 19-21 Dec. 2021, IIT Guwahati, India, 2021. (Scopus) 

2. K. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu, and Santosh Kumar Das, A Neural Network Approach with Iterative Strategy for Long-term PM 2.5 Forecasting, Proceeding of IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 19-21 Dec. 2021, IIT Guwahati, India, 2021. (Scopus) 

3. K. Krishna Rani Samal, Abhirup Acharya, Korra Sathya Babu, and Santosh Kumar Das, Long Term Forecasting of Ambient Air Quality Using Deep Learning Approach, Proceeding of 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 11-13 December, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, 2020. (Scopus) 

4. K Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu, Ankit Kumar Panda, and Santos Kumar Das, Data Driven Multivariate Air Quality Forecasting using Dynamic Fine Tuning Autoencoder Layer, Proceeding of 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 11-13 December, Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi, 2020. (Scopus) 

5. Nithin Kaira, Ramanjaneyulu Y.V, Korra Sathya Babu and Bidyut Kumar Patra. User Preference multi-criteria recommendations using neural collaborative filtering methods, The 6th International Conference on Mathematics & Computing (ICMC 2020), March 18- 22, 2020, Sikkim University, Gangtok, Sikkim, India. (Scopus) 

6. Santosh Kumar Bharti,Reddy Naidu, and Korra Sathya Babu. Dynamic Senti Phrase Net to support Sentiment Analysis in Telugu, International Conference on Mathematical Modeling, Computational Intelligence Techniques and Renewable Energy (MMCITRE-2020), February 21-23, 2020, PDPU Gandhinagar,Gujarat, India. (Scopus) 

7. K. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu, Santosh Kumar Das, ORS: The Optimal Routing Solution for Smart City Users, Proceeding of International Conference on Electronic Systems and Intelligent Computing (ESIC-2020), LNEE, Vol. 686, NIT Arunachal Pradesh, Yupia, India, 2-4 March 2020. (Scopus) 

8. Manisha Sarangi, Shriyanka Mohapatra, Sri Vaishnavi Tirunagiri, Santos Kumar Das, and Korra Sathya Babu, IoT Aware Automatic Smart Parking System for Smart City, Proceeding of Cognitive Informatics and Soft Computing 2019, AISC, April 09-10, 2019, Bangalore. (Scopus) 

9. Santosh Kumar Bharti and Korra Sathya Babu and Sambit Kumar Mishra. An Improved Approach for Sarcasm Detection Avoiding Null Tweets, PReMI 2019. 469-481, LNCS, Dec.17-20, 2019, Tezpur University, Assam. (Scopus) 

10. Banee Bandana Das, Saswat Kumar Ram, Bibudhendu Pati, Chhabi Rani Panigrahi, Korra Sathya Babu, Ramesh Kumar Mohapatra, SVM and Ensemble-SVM in EEG-based Person Identication, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Intelligent Engineering, AISC, Springer, 21-23 December, 2019, Rama Devi Women’s University, Bhubaneswar. (Scopus) 

11. K. Krishna Rani Samal, Korra Sathya Babu, Santosh Kumar Das and Abhirup Acharaya, Time Series based Air Pollution Forecasting using SARIMA and Prophet Model, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology and Computer Communications, PP. 80-85, ACM, August.16-18, 2018, NTU Singapore. (Scopus) 

12. Anchal, Shashank Sekhar Dash, Abinas Panda, and Korra Sathya Babu. Entropy Based DDoS Detection and Mitigation in Open Flow Enabled SDN, Proceedings of International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in Communication and Networking (VITECON 2019) Vellore, India, 30-31 March 2019 (Scopus)

13. Manisha Sarangi, Santos Kumar Das, and Korra Sathya Babu. Smart Parking System: Survey on Sensors, Technologies and Applications, Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Information Technology, PP. 250-255, IEEE, 2019. (Scopus) 

14. Dharahas Tallapally, Rama Syamala Sreepada, Bidyut Kr. Patra, and Korra Sathya Babu. User preference learning in multi-criteria recommendations using stacked auto encoders, ACM Proceedings of Rec Sys, ACM, Oct.2-7, 2018, Vancouver. (Scopus) 

15. Nikunja Bihari Kar andKorra Sathya Babu. Facial Expression Recognition using 2D Stationary Wavelet Transform and Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix, Proceedings of ICCCV, PP. 13-17, ACM, June.15-18, 2018, NTU Singapore. (Scopus) 

16. Pramit Mazumdar, Bidyut Kr. Patra, and Korra Sathya Babu. Handling Cold-start Scenarios in Point-of-Interest Recommendations Through Crowdsourcing, International Conference on Management of Data (CoDS-COMAD). Goa, Jan 11-13, 2018. (Scopus) 

17. Reddy Naidu, Santosh Kumar Bharti, and Korra Sathya Babu, Building SentiPhraseNet for Sentiment Analysis in Telugu, IEEE INDICON 2018, Dec. 16 – 18, 2018, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore. (Scopus) 

18. Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu and Reddy Naidu. Hyperbolic Feature-based Sarcasm Detection in Twitter Data: A Machine Learning Approach, IEEE INDICON 2017, Dec.15-17, 2017, IIT Roorkee. (Scopus) 

19. Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu and Rahul Raman. Context-based Sarcasm Detection in Hindi Tweets, ICAPR 2017. IEEE, Dec.28-30, 2017, ISI Bangalore. (Scopus) 

20. Santosh Kumar Bharti and Korra Sathya Babu. Harnessing Hindi Tweets for Context-based Sarcasm Detection, PReMI 2017. LNCS, Dec.5-8, 2017, ISI Kolkata. (Scopus) 

21. Devyani Patil, RameshKumarMohapatra, and Korra Sathya Babu. Evaluation of Generalization based k-Anonymization Algorithms, Proceedings of International Conference on Sensing, Signal Processing and Security (ICSSS 2017), IEEE. Chennai, May 04-05, 2017. (Scopus) 

22. Reddy Naidu, Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu, and Ramesh Kumar Mohapatra. Sentiment Analysis using Telugu Senti word net, Proceedings of International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2017). IEEE. Chennai, March 22-24, 2017. (Scopus) 

23. Pramit Mazumdar, Bidyut Kr. Patra, and Korra Sathya Babu. An Effective POI Recommendation in various Cold start Scenarios, International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD). IIT Madras, March 08-10, 2017. (Scopus) 

24. Reddy Naidu, Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu, and Ramesh Kumar Mohapatra. Text Summarization with Automatic Keyword Extraction in Telugu e-Newspapers, Proceedings of International Conference on Smart Computing and Informatics. Springer SIST series, Visakhapatnam, March 03-04, 2017. (Scopus) 

25. Nikunja Bihari Kar, Korra Sathya Babu, and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Face Expression Recognition Using Histograms of Oriented Gradients with Reduced Features, Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing. Springer, Singapore, 2017. (Scopus) 

26. Justine Raju Thomas, Santosh Kumar Bharthi and Korra Sathya Babu, Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Summarization in e-Newspapers, Proceedings of the International Conference on Informatics and Analytics, Pondicherry, India, ACM, August 25 - 26, 2016. (Scopus) 

27. Kondra Janardhan Reddy, Santosh Kumar Bharthi, Sambit Kumar Mishra and Korra Sathya Babu. Honeypot based intrusion detection system: A performance analysis. Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDI ACom), 2016 3rd International Conference on. IEEE, 2016. (Scopus)

28. SantoshKumar Bharthi,Korra Sathya Babuand Sanjay Kumar Jena, Parsing-based Sarcasm Sentiment Recognition in Twitter Data, Proceedings of IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2015, pp. 1373 - 1380, Paris, Aug. 24-28, 2015. (Scopus) 

29. Pramit Mazumdar, Korra Sathya Babu and Bidyut Kumar Patra, Hidden Location Prediction using Check-in Pat terns in Location Based Social Networks, Fourth National Conferece in PRIPG, IIT Jodhpur, Dec. 22-24, 2014. 

30. Bidyut Kr. Patra, Ville Ollikainen, Raimo Launonen, Sukumar Nandi, Korra Sathya Babu, Distance based Incremental Clustering for Mining Clusters of Arbitrary Shapes. PReMI 2013, ISI Kolkata, LNCS, Springer, 2013 (Scopus) 

31. Korra Sathya Babu, Saroj Kumar Panigrahy and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Web Usage Mining: An Implementation View, Edition 1 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 125, Advances in Computing, Communication and Control, Part 1, Pages 131-136. springer-verlag berlin heidelberg 2011. (Scopus) 

32. Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Balancing between Utility and Privacy for k-Anonymity, Edition 1 of Communications in Computer and Information Science,Volume 191, Advances in Computing and Communications, Part 1, Pages 1-8. springer-verlag berlin heidelberg 2011. (Scopus) 

33. Khaitan Pranav, M Satish Kumar, Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Improved Query Plans for Unnesting Nested SQL Queries. In 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, 2009. CSA ’09, South Korea, 2009, PP 147-152, IEEE. (Scopus) 

34. Khaitan Pranav,Korra Sathya Babu, Sanjay Kumar Jena and Banshidhar Majhi. Approximation Algorithms for Optimizing Privacy and Utility. In 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, 2009. CSA ’09, South Korea, 2009, PP 59-64, IEEE. (Scopus) 

35. Saroj Kumar Panigrahy, Debasish Jena, Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. On the Privacy Protection of Biometric Traits: Palmprint, Face, and Signature, Edition 1 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 40, Contemporary Computing, Part 4, Pages 182-193. springer-verlagberlin heidelberg 2009. (Scopus) 

36. Kumar Dhiraj, Santanu Kumar Rath and Korra Sathya Babu. FCM for Gene Expression Bioinformatics Data, Edition 1 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, Volume 40, Contemporary Computing, Part 10, Pages 521-532. springer-verlag berlin heidelberg 2009. (Scopus) 

37. Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Prevention of Malicious Transaction in DBMS, In Proceedings of Emerging Trends in Statistical Methods and Optimization Techniques, University of Jammu, Jammu Feb. 22-23, 2008. 

Book Chapters:

1.       Jitendra Kumar, Y.V.Ramanjaneyulu, Korra Sathya Babu and Bidyut Kumar Patra. A Survey on Group Modeling Strategies for Recommender Systems, in the book titled: New Paradigms in Computational Modeling and Its Appli- cations. PP: 209-239, Elsevier, 2021. (Scopus)

2.      Saroj Kumar Panigrahy, Bibhu Prasad Dash, Korra Sathya Babu Ashok Kumar Turuk and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Comparative Study of ECG-Based Key Agreement Schemes in Wireless Body Sensor Networks, in the book titled: Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2019. (Scopus)

3.      Santosh Kumar Bharti, and Korra Sathya Babu. Sarcasm Detection in Twitter Data: A Supervised Approach, in the book titled: Semantic Web Science and Real-World Applications. IGI Global, 2019. (Scopus)

4.      Santosh Kumar Bharti, Ramkrushna Pradhan, Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Sarcasm Analysis on Twitter Data Using Machine Learning Approaches, in the book titled: Trends in Social Network Analysis - Infor- mation Propagation, User Behavior Modelling, Forecasting, and Vulnerability Assessment. Lecture Notes in Social Networks, Springer, 2017. (Scopus) 


1.      Santosh Kumar Bharti, Korra Sathya Babu and Sanjay Kumar Jena. Automatic Keyword Extraction for Text Summarization: A Survey, Computation and Language, arXiv, 2017.


Email: ksb (at) iiitk (dot) ac (dot) in

Office :08518-289110