Dr. Mani Shankar Pandey


Assistant Professor (Grade-II),

Department of Sciences,

IIITDM Kurnool.

Email: mspandey  [at] iiitk.ac.in | Contact Number: 9648343401

Academic Qualifications

  • Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIIT Allahabad (IIIT-A).

  • M.Sc in Mathematics from the University of Lucknow (Lucknow University), India

  • B.Sc in Mathematics from National P G College (Lucknow University), India

Areas of Interest

  • Lie Ring

  • Multiplicative lie algebra

  • Representation Theory

Professional / Teaching Experience

  • Assistant Professor (Grade II) from 22 February 2023 in the Department of Sciences, IIITDM Kurnool 

  • Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University from 07  January to 07 May 2023.

Postdoctoral Experience

  • Post doctoral fellow at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai from May 11 2022 to February 20, 2023.


  • IIT Jam, All India rank 1303, April 2014

  • UGC-LS, All India rank 15, June 2016

  • CSIR-JRF, All India rank 107, December 2016

  • Junior and Senior Research Fellowship, P.hD. 2017 - 2022, Ministry of Education, New Delhi India

  • Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 2022, IIT Bhubaneshwar, Odisha India (did not join).

Important Publications

  1. Mani Shankar Pandey, Ramji Lal, and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Lie commutator, Solvability and Nilpotency in Multiplicative Lie Algebras, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 20 (8), 2021, 2150138. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219498821501383. ISSN (online): 1793-6829

  2. Mani Shankar Pandey, and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Classification of multiplicative Lie algebra structures on a finite group, Colloquium Mathematicum, 168, 2022, 25-34. https://doi.org/10.4064/cm8397-12-2020. ISSN: 0010-1354

  3. Mani Shankar Pandey, and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Theory of extensions of multiplicative Lie algebras, Journal of Lie Theory, 31 (3), 2021, 637 - 658. https://www.heldermann.de/JLT/JLT31/JLT31. ISSN 0949-5932

  4. Mani Shankar Pandey, Sumit Kumar Upadhyay, and Vipul Kakkar; A construction of Bent functions on a finite group, National Academy of Science Letters , 43 (3), 2020, 247-251. https://https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40009-019-00855-5. ISSN 0250541X

  5. Devkaran Singh, Mani Shankar Pandey, and Shiv Datt Kumar; Lie perfect, Lie central extension and generalization of nilpotency in multiplicative Lie algebras, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 74 (149), 2024, 283-299

  6. Amit Kumar, Mani Shankar Pandey and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Nilpotency and capability in multiplicative Lie algebras, Communications in Algebra (article in press).

  7. Akshay Kumar, Mani Shankar Pandey, Seema Kushwaha and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Group Completion of a Gyrogroup, National Academy of Science Letters , doi.org/10.1007/s40009-024-01391-7. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40009-024-01391-7 ISSN 0250541X

  8. Mani Shankar Pandey and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Isoclinism in multiplicative Lie algebras, 2212.10925

Contributed Talks

  1. Notion of commutators in a multiplicative Lie algebra, 3rd Conference on ”Group Theory and related topics” (Sangam Conference), HRI Allahabad, India, June 01-04, 2021.

  2. Multiplicative Lie products on a group, 27th International Conference of International Academy Of Physical Sciences on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Algebra (RAPAA), NIT Jamshedpur, India, October 26-28, 2021.

  3. Properties of a multiplicative Lie algebra, Workshop on Group Theory and Related Areas (WGTRA), IIIT Allahabad, India, November 14-16, 2022.

  4. On multiplicative Lie algebras, , IMSc, Chennai, India, February 02, 2023

Professional Affiliations

  • Lifetime member of the Indian Mathematical Society (IMS).Member number: L/2019/89

Courses Handled

  • Differential and Integral Calculus

  • Probability and Statistics

  • Differential equations

  • Abstract Algebra

  • Linear Algebra