Assistant Professor (Grade-II),
Department of Sciences,
IIITDM Kurnool.
Email: mspandey [at] iiitk.ac.in | Contact Number: 9648343401
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D. in Mathematics from IIIT Allahabad (IIIT-A).
M.Sc in Mathematics from the University of Lucknow (Lucknow University), India
B.Sc in Mathematics from National P G College (Lucknow University), India
Areas of Interest
Lie Ring
Multiplicative lie algebra
Representation Theory
Professional / Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor (Grade II) from 22 February 2023 in the Department of Sciences, IIITDM Kurnool
Assistant Professor at Lovely Professional University from 07 January to 07 May 2023.
Postdoctoral Experience
Post doctoral fellow at The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai from May 11 2022 to February 20, 2023.
IIT Jam, All India rank 1303, April 2014
UGC-LS, All India rank 15, June 2016
CSIR-JRF, All India rank 107, December 2016
Junior and Senior Research Fellowship, P.hD. 2017 - 2022, Ministry of Education, New Delhi India
Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship, 2022, IIT Bhubaneshwar, Odisha India (did not join).
Important Publications
Mani Shankar Pandey, Ramji Lal, and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Lie commutator, Solvability and Nilpotency in Multiplicative Lie Algebras, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, 20 (8), 2021, 2150138. https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0219498821501383. ISSN (online): 1793-6829
Mani Shankar Pandey, and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Classification of multiplicative Lie algebra structures on a finite group, Colloquium Mathematicum, 168, 2022, 25-34. https://doi.org/10.4064/cm8397-12-2020. ISSN: 0010-1354
Mani Shankar Pandey, and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Theory of extensions of multiplicative Lie algebras, Journal of Lie Theory, 31 (3), 2021, 637 - 658. https://www.heldermann.de/JLT/JLT31/JLT31. ISSN 0949-5932
Mani Shankar Pandey, Sumit Kumar Upadhyay, and Vipul Kakkar; A construction of Bent functions on a finite group, National Academy of Science Letters , 43 (3), 2020, 247-251. https://https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40009-019-00855-5. ISSN 0250541X
Devkaran Singh, Mani Shankar Pandey, and Shiv Datt Kumar; Lie perfect, Lie central extension and generalization of nilpotency in multiplicative Lie algebras, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 74 (149), 2024, 283-299
Amit Kumar, Mani Shankar Pandey and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Nilpotency and capability in multiplicative Lie algebras, Communications in Algebra (article in press).
Akshay Kumar, Mani Shankar Pandey, Seema Kushwaha and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Group Completion of a Gyrogroup, National Academy of Science Letters , doi.org/10.1007/s40009-024-01391-7. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40009-024-01391-7 ISSN 0250541X
Mani Shankar Pandey and Sumit Kumar Upadhyay; Isoclinism in multiplicative Lie algebras, 2212.10925
Contributed Talks
Notion of commutators in a multiplicative Lie algebra, 3rd Conference on ”Group Theory and related topics” (Sangam Conference), HRI Allahabad, India, June 01-04, 2021.
Multiplicative Lie products on a group, 27th International Conference of International Academy Of Physical Sciences on Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Algebra (RAPAA), NIT Jamshedpur, India, October 26-28, 2021.
Properties of a multiplicative Lie algebra, Workshop on Group Theory and Related Areas (WGTRA), IIIT Allahabad, India, November 14-16, 2022.
On multiplicative Lie algebras, , IMSc, Chennai, India, February 02, 2023
Professional Affiliations
Lifetime member of the Indian Mathematical Society (IMS).Member number: L/2019/89
Courses Handled
Differential and Integral Calculus
Probability and Statistics
Differential equations
Abstract Algebra
Linear Algebra